Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We're Not in Texas Anymore

(Or - Things I Miss)

When I left Austin a few weeks ago, someone asked me, what was I gonna miss the most while away in Africa? Other than friends and family. I thought a bit, and nothing much came to mind. I'd been here before, and knew some of the everyday conveniences would be missing, but so what? Food? I'm into meat, vegetables, and fruit, and Burundi has about the tastiest, freshest fruits and vegetables you'll every find. And the bananas are to die for. So, what then?

Well, it's taken a few weeks, but I've worked up a short list for them:
Blueberries, Strawberries, Ketchup, Washing Machines, and clean air.

Blueberries are the best! But sadly, not a lot of berries grown around here, so like jams and nuts they're generally imported and a bit pricey. Ketchup's available but not commonplace.Some of the other YFC volunteers (Muzungos all!) were dipping their sweet potato fries in mayo today, but that's just plain weird. Nuts would totally be on the list, 'cept I packed pounds of nuts and almond butter in my bag. 

Washing machines and dryers - have yet to see one here. Guess they're a luxury that's not needed given the low price of labor and the state of the electrical grid.

Clean air. Well it's sad, I hesitate to even mention it. But the thing is, without much of any trash service, and with much of the population living in such poverty anyway, what is the typical Burundi to do with their trash? They burn it. Wherever it is. So, the city is pretty hazy or even smoky, at least in the dry season. It's a bummer.

But really, the food here is totally awesome! Way better and fresher than at home. There's not a lot of seasoning or marinating, so the meat can be tough, but we had the best fish from the Lake the other night. Really outstanding, and fresh. The bananas are the best. I'm trying to get recipes from Freddy's wife, there's so many ways they prepare them. Plain, fried, stewed (greeen ones), sauteed. It can be hard to tell they're not potatoes.  

Mangos - yum. So good, they're desert by themselves. Sweet potatoes, yams, huge avocados, sweet pineapples, passion fruit, ugali (there's three types, cassava, corn, and wheat, and only the corn is IMHO particularly good), ... The list goes on. One could gain weight here.

Here's the rest of the photos from last week:

Or just go to the main index:

Down-rezzed some videos from the celebrations last week and posted to youtube (unlisted links). Enjoy!

Monday, July 2, in Bururi:


  1. so glad to see you found some great food options dan!! way to be prepared with the nuts and nut butter too! Enjoy your time there. When are you back?

    1. Hey Mel, thanks! I get back on the 29th. Hope you're having a great summer!

  2. I wouldn't say our mayonnaise habit it 'weird'.....
