Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Wednesday June 29
Tuesday kinda merged into Wednesday what with the all-night flight, it kinda snuck up on us. I think some folks got a few hours of shut-eye, but no one seemed too terribly refreshed this morning when we finally arrived in Addis Ababa.
That airport was rather entertaining. Such an organized operation. Not! Lines going this way and that, some folks were told to go back out of the secure area for unknown reasons, and then there was the line to board the buses taking us out to the next plane on the tarmac. At that point in our mixed-up day/night exhausted/awake out-of-body experience, all we could do was laugh. Would've been good on video. I think Elizabeth got a bit of it documented for posterity.
Then the last flight, which made a pit stop in Nairobi, and then finally we were flying into Burundi! Immigrations, luggage, customs, and then we got to meet our welcome wagon, Jean Bosco and Bernard's cousin, who chauffeured us back to our motel, the Kings Conference Centre. We got to see a bit of the Bujumbura cityscape on the way in (will try to attach photos). I think we're maybe meeting up for dinner late on, but after that we'll certainly be crashing, hard, so while still conscious I'll wrap this up for today.
Tomorrow – Bujumbura!

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