Sunday, July 29, 2012

Courage, Umizungo!

We made it!

After 32 hours of travel (more for some) and being awake for, in some case, 47+ hours straight, our merry band of Burundi travelers wrapped up their adventures and arrived safely back in Austin, TX today.

Each of our lives have been irrevocably changed by the amazing people we've met and the experiences we've been through. The beautiful country, the deep poverty, the kind and generous Burundians, the comparatively primitive living conditions and pollution, the delicious food, the volunteers, teachers, and children we made friends with.

Arriving back in the United States for connecting flights was more than a little strange after living in Burundi for 2-4 weeks, and taking flights across Africa. The languages used, the clothing, the scents, the food, the skin colors, the way people drive, the way the countrysides look from the air, and on and on. Oh, and the hot Texas temps!

Still lingering in my mind from this morning (Saturday from my perspective, not having slept in nearly two days), the encouraging phrases "Courage!" (pronounced coo-rahj) and "Courage, Umizungo!", heard countless times on our run up and down the hill in Bujumbura to the university (Kiriri campus). Words of encouragement from the Burundi runners to the white folks in the fancy running duds. Then several runners persuaded me to race down the hill with them at breakneck speed - that was fun!

We've vowed to keep in touch with each other and with our new friends in Burundi. And not to forget what we've seen and experienced, or allow our lives to return to quite the same thoughts and routines as before.

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