Sunday, July 8, 2012

Unleash the Gazelles!

Wow, what an event-filled week in Burundi! Independence Day Sunday, celebrated on Monday with huge festivities in each province (being the 50th anniversary). Tuesday visited Momma Gilbert's house in Songa and toured the latest Gazelle Foundation water project. Checked out possible rental houses in Gitega and spent the next three nights at the Helena Hotel.

Wed-Fri, Terry, Vasil, and I along with several other volunteers from England and the U.S., painted primer onto interior classroom and dormitory walls at the new Gitega International Academy, which will open in September to 7th and 8th graders, and played with the kids at the Homes of Hope orphanage.

Back to Bujumbura. Bid Terry and Vasil farewell as they departed back for home on Saturday. Drove to Songa for a day-trip surveying the latest water project, and instead ended up at a commune-wide celebration of Independence Day. I understand the president wanted status from each commune on their public works projects (or something like that. Roads, education, water, etc.), so there were massive speeches and also dancing and singing and gymnastics. Even our own Michael Madison addressed the crowd and dignitaries on behalf of the Gazelle Foundation.

Dinner at Albert's country place with all the officials and dignitaries, and then back to Bujumbura for a late dinner and crepe.  Whew!

Today Michael and I scouted out for groceries and such (apparently all the big grocery stores are closed on Sundays), and played catch-up on several fronts.

Never a dull moment in Burundi!

Full set of photos (still working on uploading, check back in a day or two for more):

Bosco and Michael chat with dignitaries before the Independence Day festivities.

Burundi drummer squad struts their stuff.
I don't know where these students were from, but they were good!
We ran into Vira's mom, Shante, while walking around Bururi on Tuesday morning.
Momma Gilbert is clearly pleased to see Michael and Bosco!
This fellow loves the camera while filling up his water jugs from a new Gazelle Foundation tap stand.
Fellow volunteers at the Gitega International Academy roll primer onto classroom walls. Terry is pictured with Sharon and Helena (both on break from St. Andrews University in Scotland), and Nate from Indiana.
Claire (also from St. Andrews) is a happy camper!

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