Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Burundi Way of Life

Our time in Burundi is growing short. Michael and I have been gone four weeks now, and, with the other folks that joined us from Austin, we depart on Saturday afternoon. 

It'll be bitter-sweet. I'm ready to come home - to do more here I'd need a longer trip and some sort of mission or position. But I've gotten used to living here, met so many kind and generous people from Burundi and elsewhere, and learned a lot and, if I'm lucky, grown as a person a tad.

A couple of things you need in Burundi are patience and understanding. Events are frequently (usually!) out of your control and you have to just roll with it and not get frustrated. Hopefully mine has improved somewhat. Casual visits or inspection visits turn into celebrations. Day trips turn into multi-day affairs. Expectations are rarely fulfilled, at least not the way you planned. Equipment breaks down. Running water isn't. Meals don't happen when you're hungry. I could go on. The sooner you realize that you don't control your life or anybody else's, that the world is in God's hands and not yours, the easier your day becomes and the more you can help others.

I was in Gitega a few days last week with the Youth for Christ folks. There was another presentation for the brand-new Gitega International Academy, this one in the same town as the new school, and it was extremely well attended. I think we estimated 170-180 folks. Good stuff!

I was in a $5/night guest house, initially horrified at the conditions (no running water! oh no! :) ), but the Ugandan teacher candidates staying with me informed me that this was actually quite typical and very nice by African standards. Oops, another learning experience.

Joined the Austin folks late in the week, we went to Blue Bay near Rumonge Beach for a day of R&R. I'm not a beach bum myself but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Kendall even saw a hippo! She was so excited. Needless to say, not too much swimming in the Lake after that sighting.

Onward to Gitega (third time for me this month!), spending more time with the orphans at Homes of Hope and doing a little painting, too.  Of course by this point everyone up there knew me well. I'm gonna miss those kiddos! And all the volunteers and folks who work there.

Back in Bujumbura today, and like I said, we fly out Saturday. It's a 32 hour journey from the time we fly out of Buj to arriving in Austin Sunday night. (!)

Wish I could take some bananas and mangos with me!

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